
Case Study

Our Case Study in Conservation:
The Place at Corkscrew

Cameratta Companies completed a comprehensive restoration initiative through the development of The Place at Corkscrew, a premier lifestyle community just west of Kingston that encompasses 1,361 acres. More than half of the property was designed to protect wetlands and uplands to restore water flow-ways to their natural state.

The most visible outcome of restoration initiatives at The Place at Corkscrew was the significant benefit to wildlife.

Prior to restoration at The Place at Corkscrew, wildlife specialists documented 30 species of birds and 4 species of mammals on the property. Post-restoration research noted 75 species of birds – including bald eagles, ospreys, white pelicans, Everglades snail kites and Audubon’s crested caracara – as well as 9 species of mammals.

The “Lee County Environmental Enhancement & Preservation Overlay” created by Cameratta Companies for The Place at Corkscrew won an Award of Merit from Florida’s chapter of the American Planning Association.

Cameratta Companies is so proud of the restoration accomplishments that we invited the South Florida Water Management District, Army Corps of Engineers, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Lee County Staff, National Audubon Society, and the Conservancy of SW Florida to all tour the completed work at The Place at Corkscrew.