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Subject: Proposed Kingston Development in Lee County, Florida
Army Corps Project #SAJ-2024-00967
USFWS Project Code #2023-0003475

Dear Mr. Stephen Fleming, Army Corps of Engineers and Mr. Robert Carey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,

I am writing to express my strong support for the proposed Kingston Development in Lee County, Florida. This project promises significant benefits for both the environment and the local community. Allow me to outline the reasons behind my endorsement:

  1. Balanced Land Use: The Kingston project allocates half of the property for wildlife restoration and the other half for human use. This equitable distribution ensures that both natural habitats and community needs are addressed.
  2. Environmental Restoration: Approximately 3,300 acres will be set aside and restored as panther and other wildlife habitat. By preserving and enhancing these areas, we contribute to the overall ecological health of our region.
  3. Water Conservation: The development will reduce groundwater withdrawal by approximately 10 million gallons per day. Additionally, regular monitoring of groundwater and surface water quality will be conducted to meet environmental standards.
  4. Wildlife Corridors: The proposal includes wildlife crossings and corridors, promoting safe movement for animals and maintaining ecological connectivity.
  5. Nutrient Reduction: The project aims to reduce phosphorus levels by 80% and nitrogen levels by 49%, benefiting water quality and aquatic ecosystems.
  6. Flood Mitigation: By re-creating historical flowways, the Kingston development will help alleviate existing flooding on neighboring properties.
  7. Wetland Protection: Unlike the rock mine, which would impact 145 acres of wetlands, the Kingston project will safeguard 99% of the property’s wetlands.
  8. Community Infrastructure: The proposed development includes essential amenities such as a grocery store, local retail buildings, and educational facilities (primary, middle, and high schools). These additions address community needs.
  9. Hurricane Evacuation Route: A north/south hurricane evacuation route roadway will be constructed, enhancing safety during extreme weather events.
  10. Regional Benefits: The Kingston project contributes significantly to regional economic and environmental benefits.

Indeed, the Kingston project represents a commendable effort toward sustainable environmental conservation and restoration. By allocating land for both wildlife habitat and community use, implementing water conservation measures, and protecting wetlands, it aims to strike a balance between ecological well-being and human needs. Let’s hope that this initiative sets a positive example for other developments!

Area residents supported halting the rock mine and have advocated for the Kingston development approval. Let us work together to restore this property, protect wetlands, and realize the benefits for wildlife and our community. Please support the Kingston development.

Thank you for your attention.
